Thursday, February 18, 2010

Added a New Page


Hi Guys,
This is to update you about my plans for future postings. You can check my page on Flickr for my latest pics....I'll be posting to this blog about the assignments I take up and special snaps, meanwhile if you feel like checking out what am upto at the moment, here's the link

Do post comments on visit. Make yourself heard:)

Click Well, Tk care,
Loadza Luv,

Monday, February 8, 2010

Set #2 Shuffled Postcards...

Hi there,
In this post am sharing few pictures which are part of my learning in the last three weeks. I explored few interesting subjects and was amazed at the beauty of things, which we don't usually see with our very own eyes. This time I stepped into the territory of S(Shutter Priority) and A(Aperture Priority) modes and enjoyed the ride. While taking few pictures, I realized that it's very difficult to hold the cam steady, especially in night shots and when you keep the shutter open for almost a second or so. This set of pictures mostly include my attempts at understanding lighting, composition, Macro photography and Night shots. As the title for this post says, pictures are in no particular order. I was out at a friend's place for quite late(as it's 4am, monday already:p) and quickly uploading the pics before I forget. Got a lot of work to finish at office as well, so may be next weekend I will take out some time to explore my creative side. Till then have a pleasant stay and enjoy the photographs. Do share how you find them and of course tips are highly appreciated:)

NOTE: None of the above pics have undergone any post processing, as I have decided to stay away from it, till am happy with the raw creations. I'll provide the cam settings for the above displayed pics soon, so keep visiting..

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Self Potrait....

Hi Readers,
Well so far my experience with my Nikon is excellent. of SLR photography is like a bumpy ride along a scenic coast:p You like the view, but u hav to bear with the nuisance of handling the equipment, which was much effortless in PnS(point-n-shoot) devices. There's a catch here though, it may also happen(as in my case), that you fall in luv with the experience(read struggle) of capturing that perfect photograph(for me, it's a pic I wud luv to see again n again), than the end result itself. But one thing for sure, there is no going back from here. World of photography is vast and am yet to find out wot I wud love to shoot more. There's only one way to find out....
Keep Shooting !!!
Potrait Mode, 1/60, F5.3, ISO200, 48mm

50% crop. The original pic has both the eyes. Croping is done using the in cam software.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Curtain raiser......

These are part of my first photo shoot during republic day. Hope you liked it...